
Carbohydrate: Friend and Foe

Every Tuesday, I am going to attempt to post on a dietary subject. This week:

The Glycemic Index

Carbohydrates are the mainstay of our diets. They are inexpensive, filling, low calorie, and go with everything. Carbohydrates are also the main fuel for our bodies. In our digestive system, they breakdown to glucose, which our body uses for all cellular functions. The level of blood glucose is balanced by insulin release. Insulin keeps glucose levels in check and stores excess energy as fat. That's right... insulin is what stores our fat... damn insulin.

Different carbohydrates impact blood glucose levels differently. Carbohydrates that are slowly digested produce a low, steady glucose release, which is good for us. Carbohydrates that are rapidly digested produce a high glucose spike, triggering insulin, and thus the fat. That's where the Glycemic Index (GI) comes in. The GI measures the impact a certain food has on blood glucose levels on a scale on 0 to 100.

Low GI (<55):small impact on blood glucose (good)
High GI (>55): large impact on blood glucose (bad)

It is impossible to list here are of the good and bad carbs. But in general, good carbs (low GI) are whole wheats, fruits, and vegetables... bad carbs (high GI) are refined/ white sugars and starches (ie potatoes). The Glycemic Index website has an excellent database where you can search for just about any food item.

Avoiding carbohydrates is NOT the way to go. You need to eat the right ones... in the right amount. In my opinion, this is the only effective way of eating to lose weight. This is also a lifestyle change that can result in significant benefits in diabetes and heart disease. This eating plan has worked for me in the past, and it is what I will do this time... and for good.

If you are interested in learning more, I highly recommend the "The Glucose Revolution." They frequently update and the latest version came out last year. This book does an excellent job explaining the science behind GI and gives great eating tips and plans. I swear by this book.

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