
Free-Day Philosophy

There are many differing opinions on the "Free-Day" in a diet regimen.  The free-day is that glorious day of the week where you can eat whatever you want.  There's the ultimate in free day.  There are those that emphasize the free-day.  There are those that don't allow a single free-day.

As for me... well, in all my dieting experience, one thing has become clear to me.  You must have a free-day!  Free-days are the reward at the end of a long, hard week of dieting.  Free-days are incentive not to cheat.  Every time I have the urge to eat candy, fast food, soda, etc I just tell myself that if I don't, then I can on Saturday.  If you do not have a free-day, in my opinion, you are way more likely to cheat all throughout the week.

So, go ahead, have a free day.  I cannot wait for mine on Saturday.  The first thing I'm going to do is have a Diet Coke... more on that tomorrow.

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