
Video Vixen I

Every Wednesday I plan to review a workout video.  To start things off, I've chosen one of my old favorites: The Firm 5-Day Abs.  This is composed of 5 short abdominal routines taken from other Firm videos strung together by an 1980's hottie (quite Zach Morris-esque).  The routine lengths are as follows: 6 minutes-7 minutes-6 minutes-9 minutes-7 minutes.  

I swore by this video when I lost weight in the past.  It is just so incredibly easy to pop the tape in before bed or in the morning.  Everyone can spare 6 or 7 minutes.  The routines are difficult, but not impossible.  And you'll feel abdominal muscles you never knew you had.  Each routine is a good mix of upper, lower, and side work.  No props are necessary.  They do use a "fanny lifter" in some segments, but as long as you have something to prop your feet on, you should be fine.  I own this on VHS and just leave it in the VCR so that I can start on the next routine the next day.  It is now out on DVD, but apparently you cannot skip to different routines, so I recommend getting this on VHS if you can.

All-n-all, this is a MUST have in your workout video collection.

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